Joy of Europe

Joy of Europe is an international children’s gathering event. It is organised every year at the beginning of October. The first festival was organised in 1969. Since then, this event brings together children of Europe from 7 to 15 years of age who promote friendship through different activities and also present exchange of different cultures. A great writer and children’s friend Duško Radović put together fifteen universal symbols (child, Europe, bread, play, book, love, mother, peace, father, song, friend, bird, joy, freedom, sun) connecting children all around the world by dancing, singing and finally by image.

A part of “Joy of Europe” since 1998 has been the international art competition under the same name. At the contest, the children works are divided into five categories for children between five and eighteen. Over the time, the contest expanded much beyond the boundaries of Europe, bringing together children and youth from the entire world. 

Joy of Europe commemorative stamps are tradition since 1974 in Yugoslavia. Today, as result of the art competition, the works of the most talented children from Europe and the world find their place on the stamps Serbian post named “Joy of Europe”.

2006. two stamps

2007. Work by Isidora Ljuboja, 7 years old, Serbia

2008. one stamp

2009. Work by a boy from UAE.

2010. Pink pig, drawing by Tamara Vukomanović, 6 years old, Serbia

2011. Andreja Nikolić, 7 years old, Serbiathe first award in individual competition of age 7-10


2012. Darja Celišćeva, 7 years old, Serbia

2013. The drawing of Rita Kavai (9 years, 2nd grade of Primary School J.J.Zmaj, Subotica, Serbia) won the 1st prize on the competition (22 RSD stamp). 
Maja Trifunović (6 years, Art worhshop Dlan, Obrenovac, Serbia) won the third prize 46 RSD stamp).


2014. K. Banuchander, 10 years old, India.

2015. Dhanui Mihirbhai Doshi (the winner of the competition), 10 years old, India

2016. Katarina Kovačević, 11 years old, Serbia.


2017. Uglješa Milenković, 11 years old, Serbia.

2018. Teodora Despotović, 7 years old, Serbia.

2019. Anđela Marjanović 14 years, Serbia.


2020. Tanja Novaković, 15 years old, Serbia
Because of the global pandemic, the Children’s Cultural Centre decided to cancel the scheduled programme related to the International Visual Arts Competition “Joy of Europe”. It was decided that 2020 visual meeting would take a virtual form, and the 23rd International Visual Arts Competition “Joy of Europe” had the character of a non-competitive show. The visual art schools and ateliers that have been represented in the visual art meetings “Joy of Europe” for more than ten years were cordially invited to display the recent works of their young artists. The selection of artworks was characterised by global pandemics, and the message was clear, connected to isolation, communication, introspection and the whole situation in those times.

2021. Dunja Sudžum, 11 years old, Serbia

2022. Nebojša Jovčić, 11 years old, Serbia


2023. Leyla Elmedani, 9 years old, Egypt

2024. Sofia Mitnikova, 9 years old, Slovakia


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