EUROPA stamps

The first Europa issue was realised in 1956. First Europa stamps were issued by members of Europan Coal and Steel Community. In 1959 was formed of European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations (CEPT). All CEPT memebers issued 2 stamps every year on common design, with Europa CEPT sign. Since 1973 there were no common design but common theme, and all postal admnistrations had a "task" to issue 2 stamps every year on that common theme. Europa stamps have covered so many different themes like nature, historical events, monuments, folklore, music, gastronomy, scoutism, astronomy, toys, myths... In 1993 organisation Post Europ took over Europa issues (since Europa CEPT was focused more on telecommunications). Tradition of issuing stamps on common theme was countinued, but since than issues have new EUROPA sign, instead of previous Europa CEPT sign. Since 2002 there is online and/or jury competetition for the best Europa stamp every year.

Europa stamps were issued in Yugoslavia, and as part of Post Europ, Serbia issues (usualy 2) Europa stamps every year on common theme.

2007 Scoutism

This year was dedicated to 100 years of World Scout Movement. There were issued two stamps and carnet with also two stamps. The 20 RSD stamp shows a group of scouts on the march, with compass. The 46 RSD stamp shows scouts canoeing, with part of standard scout uniform. Two stamps in carnet show Dr. Miloš Popović, founder of the Scout Movement in Serbia (with compass) and Robert Baden-Powell, founder of World Organisation of the Scout Movement (with part of scout uniform). All stamps have signs of World Organisation of the Scout Movement (purple, on the left) and Scout Association of Serbia (on the right).


2008 The letter

Europa 2008 series were dedicated to letter as a way of communication. Stamps present some letters from XIX century, important in Serbian postal history. 46 RSD stamp shows registered letter sent from Ivanjica to Užice. This is the only known letter with 3x40 para and 2x10 para stamps. 50 RSD stamp shows registered letter sent from Gornji Milanovac to Kragujevac, franked with unique four-color franking with two editions, Belgrade and Vienna

2009 Astronomy

2009 is declared as the World year of astronomy. 46 RSD (blue) stamp shows the ancient Greek muse Urania, patroness of astronomy, with Galileo's telescope and Milky Way. 50 RSD (red) stamp shows a radio telescope and Horsehead Nebula. The white surface on both stamps is interspresed with celestial maps.


2010 Children books

This year Europa issues was about children books. Serbian stamps motifs show the world's most famous fairytales. On 66 RSD stamp you can see motifs from Jack and the Beanstalk and Alice in Wonderland. 77 RSD stamp show Pinocchio and Peter Pan.

2011 Forests

UN declared 2011 the International year of forests. Serbian designs for this year appeal for preservation of forests by paying attention to the need to paper recycling.


2012 Visit Serbia

Europa stamps in 2012 are about tourism, named "Visit..." (for Serbia: Visit Serbia). 44 RSD stamp show sacral architecture: monateries Mileševa, Žiča and Studenica, with the most famous Serbian fresco White angel. 77 RSD stamp show natural beauties in Serbia and popular tourist spots: Kopanik mountain and ski center, detail from Vrnjačka Banja (Vrnjačka spa) and typical landscape of Serbian lakes. 

2013 Postal vechiles

In order to celebrate 20th anniversary of PostREurop, topic Postal vechiles was chosen for this year. Car transportation of postal items is important for postal traffic.  44 RSD stamp shows old postal car used in XX century on the line Kosovska Mitrovica - Raška - Novi Pazar. 112 RSD stamp show modern postal vechile used for delivery Post express parcels (express delivery service of  Serbian post).


2014 National musical intruments

2014 Europa issues represent national musical instruments as important part of culture in every country. 69 RSD stamp shows folk flute (called duduk in some places). It is craved of wood and always has 6 holes for playing. 74 RSD stamp shows traditional bagpipes and it is the type of two-voiced bagpipes (in Serbia can also be found three-voiced bagpipes). This stamp won Europa 2014 online competition. You can see that both stamps show the instruments and a man playing them in ilustrated landscape background.

2015 Old toys

This years theme was old toys and Serbian post issued 69 and 100 RSD stamps, showing some toys that were usual in last decades.


2016 Ecology in Europe - Think green

This year there was common theme, inspired with ecology, but also a common design. Postal operators had obligation to issue stamp with common design, but they were free to issue their own design too. Serbian post took this oportunity. 69 RSD stamp is Serbian design. It shows evolutionary development of human and his relationship to the environment. 100 RSD stamp is common design, chosen by PostEurop. It shows ecological danger on the left, and society that takes care of environment on the right. Since there was common design, there was not organised online/jury competition.

2017 Castles

Europa stamps issued for this year show two Serbian medieval castles. 69 RSD stamp show Maglič castle from 13th century. It was built in valley of river Ibar. It has 8 towers connected with walls and form of elongated rectangle. Inside the castle there are palace and church. 100 RSD stamp shows Smederevo fortress. It was built in 15th century, on Danube. It is very well preserved and great atraction for city of Smederevo. You can take a tour learning about Serbian medieval history while walking on walls of fortress. Unfortunately, in the middle of the fortress was built an athletic field. The middle of the fortress was empty, but I think that sport field just spoils the view.


2018 Bridges

69 RSD stamp from 2018 series show bridge called Gazelle. It is bridge on Belgrade over Sava river. 100 RSD stamp represents Žeželjev bridge over Danube in Novi Sad. It is renewed bridge, since it was demolished during NATO bombing in 1999.

2019 National birds

2021 issues are dedicated to national birds. 69 RSD stamp shows wallcreeper (Tichodroma muraia), bird that inhibits high mountains. There are nesting location of this bird on west and east Serbian mountains. It is not endangered. 100 RSD stamp shows squacco heron (Ardeola ralloides). It can be found in north Serbia, near Danube. It is endangered and strictly protected species.


2020 Ancient postal routes

2020 issues are dedicated to old postal routes, as part of every country's postal history. 74 RSD stamp shows sahiya (sahija), man who would carry parcels and messages on foot. Sahiyas were good especially for short distances and difficult terrains. They didn't have special uniforms. Under the belt they were wearing bells, so people would hear they came. 108 RSD stamp shows postal route over river, with boats. Letters were usualy transported over rivers Danube and Sava. On both stamps you can see ilustrated frame with homing pigeon and postal horn. Also, destination of delivers on both stamps are fortresses, on both stamps inspired by look of Golubac fortress. 

2021 Endangered national wildlife

For this issue Serbian post choosed two endangered birds. 30 RSD stamp shows saker falco (Falco cherrug). It is worldwide protected species and in Serbia it has status of strictly protected species. Experts took propriate measures and number of saker falco nests is rising. 85 RSD stamp shows horned lark (Eremophila alpestris). This bird is more usual for America. It's habitat are rocky areas on mountains. It is not endangered worldwide, but it is rare in Serbia, so it it strictly protected species.


2022 Stories & Myths

For the first time Serbian post issued one Europa stamp instead of two (althrough offical plan was to issue two stamps as usual). Also, for the first time Serbian post issued an Europa stamp in form of mini-sheet. This year issue shows drekavac (in literal translation - shrieker). It is creature from mythology of South Slavs. Drekavac is (demonic) manifestation of deceased who can't find peace after death. That's why the stamp shows drekavac coming out from the bushes, next to a grave.  Drekavac is hiding in caves, ponds, rivers, forestes at it attacks people only at night. It is afraid of dogs and daylight. According to the myths, drekavac attacks people near cementeries and forests, jumping on their backs and making the attacked one running all night.

2023 Peace - the highest value of humanity

Similar like 2016, in this year there were also common stamp and common theme. Common stamp is issued with 48 RSD face value. The stamp design is metaphore for a peaceful integrated society. It is inspired by look of Celtic love knot, with interwined hearts. Different colors ilustrate all people of the world and hands with interwined fingers carry a message of mutual repect. 120 RSD stamp is Serbia post's original design on this theme, showing dove with olive branch as recognisable symbol of peace.


2024 Underwater flora & fauna

This year Europa issue is dedicated to waterworld. According to the teme, Serbian post issued two stamps - one with underwater flora and the other one with the underwater fauna. 48 RSD stamp depicts white water-lily (Nymphaea alba L.), which belongs to the water-lily family (Nymphaeaceae) and a group of aquatic plants called hydrophytes. Water-lilies inhabit stagnant and slow-flowing waters, such as ponds, moors, along rivers and canals. Beside white water-lily, in Serbia is present yellow water-lily (Nuphar lutea (L.) Sm.). White water-lily is protected as endangered species in Serbia. 120 RSD stamp depicts European pond turtle (Emys orbicularis). It is the only species of water turtle native to the territory of Serbia. It inhabits all types of stagnant inland bodies of water with rich aquatic vegetation – ponds, puddles and lakes - where the soil is muddy and overgrown with plants. It swims and dives well, and it can stay under water for several hours. It is protected animal in Serbia.

Officially announced themes:

2025 National archeological discoveries

2026 70th Anniversary of Europa stamps

2027 Street  Art

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