European nature protection series

Traditionally, Post of Serbia issues every year two stamps on theme European nature protection. They can be collected as series, since they are usually the same format and all of these stamps have a sign of tree surrounded by stars. These stamps were also issued in Yugoslavia, so Serbian post actually continues the tradition that existed even before 2006.

European nature protection stamps actually promote natural beauties of Serbia, showing representing beautiful protected parts of Serbia. But also, these issues are form of applying European Landscape Convention (Council of Europe, 2000) in Serbia, because they show examples of natural and cultural heritage and sustainable development.

Click on underlined words to read more about these natural sights.

2007 Parks: park in Vrnjačka Banja (40 RSD), Pioneers park in Belgrade (46 RSD)


Vlasina lake (20 RSD). It is semi-artificial lake located in southeast Serbia, created in period 1947-1957. Since 2006 this lake and area around it, rich with flora and fauna, is protected as nautre reserve of special interest (category I).

Devil's town (Djavola varoš) natural landmak (46 RSD). Area with geological formations that look like towers. There are around 200 natural towers that were created by strong eroson of the soil.  It was declared as protcted natural monument (category I) and was proposed for  global New seven wonders of naure campaign. Old legend says that wedding guests were petrified to these formations.



Uvac river gorge (22 RSD). Located in western Serbia, river Uvac is special nature reserve. On the stamps are shown two things this river is famous for. First, the gorge of this river is consisted of many unique meanders, which create one of the most beutiful sights in Serbia. Second, the gorge are is habitat of griffon vulture (Gyps fulvus), protected animal in Serbia.

Pčinja river valley (40 RSD). Protected location in souteast Serbia, rich with flora and fauna, but there is still so much more to explore in this area.


Deliblato sands (22 RSD). This is great sand area in Banat, located between Danube and Carpathian mountains, near village Deliblato. It is the largest sand area in Europe and originates from Panonian sea. That is why it called European sahara and the old conttinent's oldest desert. It is rich in floral diveristy. The stamp show Banat poeny (Paeonia officinalis L. subsp. banatica)  in Deliblato sand.

Vršac mountains (46 RSD). Independent massif in Banat rich with wildlife , especially birds - there are around 120 species of birds on this mointain. The stamp shows poeny (Paeonia officinalis L.) in front of Vršac mountains.



Waterfall at Mokranje rocks (22 RSD). Sikolska river in eastern Serbia creates the beautiful waterfall passing over the Mokranje rocks. The waterfall is located near town Negotin.

Beli izvorac bigar accumulation (46 RSD). Special geomorphological area in eastern Serbia, near town Majdanpek, created by river Beli izvorac.

2012 - forest nature reserves

Special nature reserve Jarešnik and crimean pine (pingus nigra) (22 RSD). The only reserve of crimean pine in Serbia, located in southestern Serbia.

Special nature reserve Jasenova glava and mountain maple (Acer heldrechii) (46 RSD). Endemic tree to the Balkan peninsula, located in eastern Serbia.



Rajac (46 RSD). Rajac is mountainous area in western Serbia. It is part of biiger mountain Suvobor. That area is important for Serbian history, as Kolubara battle in WWI took place there. The mountain is protceted since 1963. On the stamp you can see a man who mows grass. This mountain is known for Mowing (scything) competition that is organised every year. It became manifestation in 1967 and the winner gets golden scythe.

Resava cave (50 RSD). This is probably the most important and famous cave in Serbia, located in eastern part of country. It is 4,5 km long, but only 2,8 km are explored well. Touristic tours in the cave are very well organised and visitors can see 800 meters of impressive cave jewelry. Cave is protected since 1963.

2014 - biosphere - nominates for World network of biosphere reserves under the UNESCO program Man and Biosphere (MaB)

Stara mountain nature park (35 RSD). In literaly translation "Old" mountain, it is the most important mountain in eastern Serbia, which creates natural border with Bulgraia. The mountain is rich with plants and animals, small rivers, waterfalls, kanyons and villages. One part of the mountain is ski center in winter. Here lives around 1200 species of plants and more than 200 species of animals. Many plants are endemic types for this area.

Zaovine protected landscape (70 RSD). This landscape in western Serbia covers village Zaovine, four lakes and Beli Rzav canyon. This is southern part of Tara national park. Unfortunately, the stamp doesn't show two endemic species discovered in 19th century by Serbian biologist Josif Pančić. The first is Serbian spruce (Picea omorika), known as Pančić spruce. The second is Pančić grasshopper (Pyrgomorphulla serbica). Pančić discovered the both species while exploring area of Zaovine.



Šargan-Mokra gora nature park (35 RSD). This area in western Serbia covers parts of Tara mountain, Zlatibor mountain and Šargan pass. It is home for many flora and fauna species. 22% of all Serbian flora is located here. But why does the stamp show a train? Here is located narrow railway called Šargan-eight (because of the route around the mountain has shape of number 8). This railway is extraordinary example of solution to overcome great climb on small area. Šargan railway is renewed part of old Yugoslavian realway that connected Serbia and Bosnia, with the main train composition called "Ćira". Today it is open air museum and touristic railway. There is train called "Nostalgia". You can sit on a 130 minutes tour that will take you to see beautiful nature and old trains.

Goč-Gvozdenac nature reserve (70 RSD). Goč is mountain in central Serbia known as hiking destiantion with small ski-center. But Goč-Gvozdenac is forested area, developed for decades by experts from Faculty of Forestry in Belgrade. The stamp shows forests of black pine (Pinus nigra var. Gocensis) and Balkans endemic mountain maple (Acer heldrechii var. Pančić) and protected Eurasian otter (Lutra Lutra).


Kučaj-Beljanica mountain massif (50 RSD). This is mountain in eastern Serbia, rich with water resources, flora and fauna. There are 31 endangered plants and about 130 types of birds. Also, here can be seen 70% of all mammals that can be found in Serbia. This is the biggest uninhabited area in Serbia. There are no regular villages, only a few specific settlements called katuns. For now, it has status of protected area, but in 2022 was started procedure for getting staus of national park.

Pešter field (Pešter plateau) special nature reserve (74 RSD). Located in southwest Serbia, it is home for many protected plants, birds and butterflies. Unfortunately, land in this area is not good for agriculture, but since there are many pastures, the main branch in this area is sheep farming, which is shown on the stamp.


2017 Zasavica special nature reserve

Issues from this year show Zasavica. It is wetland complex in west Serbia, home for many wildlife species.

Waterwheel plant - Aldrovanda vesiculisa (50 RSD). Zasavica is the only site with this plant in Serbia, as it was tought to be extinct in Serbia for 100 years, until 2005. It is protected and endangered plant in other countires too.

Ferruginous duck - Aythya nyroca (74 RSD). It is globaly endangered and protected species. There is nesting population in Zasavica.


Cerje cave (50 RSD). Located in southeast Serbia, it is the second longest explored cave in Serbia. About 7 km long cave is rich with cave ornaments. It is home of fire salamanders.

Sopotnica waterfalls (74 RSD). These waterfalls are located in southwest Serbia on Jadovnik mountain. Biosphere of this area has about 60 species. The highest waterfall is 25 meters high. The legend says that voice from the mountain asked locals if they want happiness or water. People said they want water and that they will be able to find hapiness here on their own.



Rtanj (50 RSD). Rtanj is mountain in east Serbia. It is habitat to a few protected flora species and the most important is Nepeta rtanjensis. Also, on this mountain grows plant Satureja montana, used to prepare famous Rtanj tea. Unfortuantely, the stamp doesn't show well that Rtanj has pyramidal shape. That is why this mountain is famous in Serbian folklore. Also, nowadays, there are conspiracy theories about alien presence and energy on this mountain. People all around the world belived that they will be protected on this mountain during "the end of the world" in 2012.

Borač karst / Borač on karst (74 RSD). This is nature monument in central Serbia. Those rocks are actually lava creation, which eroded over time. It is important bird habitat today. In mediaval times this was fortification used as town of Borač. At the foot of the karst, there was fortress where lived citizens, merchants and artisans.


Tršić-Tronoša cultural area (54 RSD). This is area in western Serbia named after village Tršić and monastery Tronoša. It is protected because of it's biological and cultural charateristics. The stamp shows aesthetics of houses in village Tršić. Tršić is an open air museum (you can also get in some of the houses). Tršić is birthplace of Vuk Stefanović Karadžić, one of the most prominent Serbs, reformer of modern Serbian language and Serbian cyrillic. He attened school in Tršić monastery. That is why this area is so important for Serbian culture.

Vardenik - Stešer area (74 RSD). Located in southeast Serbia, this site coves mountain Vardenik and it's top Veliki Stešer. This small area is important for many plants and birds. The main plant shown on the stamp is silver (white) birch (Betula pendula).



Blederija waterfall (60 RSD). This is waterfall in eastern Serbia, near Danube. It is actually a spring of broken type, "broken" on 4 places, where water falls, creating 7 m high waterfall. Water falls into big stone trough, where you can swim in emerald color water. Here grows 78 species of medicinal herbs. This site has shown great touristic potential in a last few years.

Osredak (80 RSD). Osredak is wetland area in central Serbia, near river West Morava. It is one of the most important habitat of yellow water-lily (Nuphar lutea) in Serbia and home for 83 types of birds, as well as fishes, amphibians and some mammals. Topographic maps for the last 125 years have shown displacement of West Morava riverbed, as charateristic of this area.


Jelašnica gorge (30 RSD). This is gorge of Jelašnica river in southeast Serbia near city of Niš. Steep sides of the gorge are rich in morphological ornamentation, which is shown on the stamp. This site is popular for hiking, as it is just a half on hour away from the big city. The gorge is home for many plants and animals, but the most important are Balkan endemic flowers Serbian ramonda (Ramonda serbica) and Natalie's ramonda (Ramonda nathaliae).

Trešnjica Gorge (80 RSD). River Trešnjica is located in western Serbia. As well as Uvac, this gorge is also habitat of protected griffon vulture (Gyps fulvus). You can take a walk on the "Students' path". It is path though the gorge that children from one village used to go to school in another village.



Upper Danube (Gornje Podunavlje) nature reserve (48 RSD). This nature reserve in Vojvodina covers area of 64 kilometers long left bank of Danube. It is a complex of forests interspersed with ponds, swamps, reed beds and cattails. The stamp depicts part of Danube coast and black stork (Ciconia nigra). It is also the biggest  habitat of European deer (Cervus elaphus) in Serbia. The reserve is part of the "European Amazon" biosphere reserve, which takes parts of rivers Mura, Drava and Danube in Austria, Slovenia, Hungary, Croatia and Serbia.

Golija nature park (120 RSD). This nature park is located in south-west Serbia and it covers mountains Golija, Radočelo and Čemerno. It covers 75 ha of five muncipalities (Ivanjica, Kraljevo, Raška, Novi Pazar, Sjenica). Together with Studenica monastery, it was declared UNESCO World biosphere reserve in 2001. The aim of protection is to presrve forest ecosystems, beauty of the landscape, durability and quality of natural resources, endemic and relict species, geoheritage, water objects.

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