Design elements


NAME OF ISSUE: Mostly it is written only in Serbian language, in cyrillic or latin alphabet.

SUBJECT DESIGN: The main picture, motif of the stamp and visually it's the most important part.

COUNTRY OF ORIGIN: If the stamp is printed in cyrillic alphabet, except inscription "СРБИЈА", there is always additional inscription in English language "SERBIA". If the stamp is printed in latin alphabet, there is only inscription "SRBIJA".

DESIGNER: It is almost always marked as the first name initial and full last name.

YEAR OF ISSUE: Unlike stamps from some other countries, Serbian stamps always have year of issue. Of course, it makes easier to find the stamp in philatelic catalogs.

PRINTING HOUSE: Serbian stamps are printed in two printing houses: 1) ЗИН/ZIN (short for Zavod za izradu novčanica i kovanog novca - Institute for Manufacturing Banknotes and Coins) and 2) ФОРУМ/FORUM printing house.

LOGO OF SERBIAN POST: Can be written in cyrillic "ПОШТА" or latin alphabet "POŠTA".

FACE VALUE: Face value of Serbian stamps is always expressed in numbers. There are no stamps with textual or non-numerical face value (A, B, 1st, forever, priority, etc).

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