Annual sport events in Serbia

Serbia is land of sport. Beside classic sport disciplines, there are some that take place every year. Serbian post represented on stamps some annual sport events for a few times.

Belgrade marathon

This is one of the greatest sport events that is organised in Serbia annually, every April. It was established in 1988. It is international event with competitors from all around the world. It is event of special importance for city of Belgrade.

2012            25th Belgrade Marathon

2017            30th Belgrade Marathon

2022            35th Belgrade marathon


Ljubičevo equesterian games

This is an equesterian event that takes place annually in Ljubičevo horse farm near city of Požarevac.  The farm originates from 19th century. This remarkable sport event is held every summer with rich programe that  includes equesterian competitions, horse shows and events for chlidren. The winner of the competitions is entitled the knight of Ljubičevo.

2013            50th Ljubičevo equesterian games

It was an important anniversary. Serbian post dedicated to this event 4 stamps, showing some competition disciplines: gallop race, arrow shooting, sword cutting, spear shooting.

2017            54th Ljubičevo equesterian games
2018            55th Ljubičevo equesterian games
2019            56th Ljubičevo equesterian games


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