
Ecology is very important field of human action in 21st century. People have harmed environment. Now we need to take measures to stop irrevirsible cosequences. Appreciating importance of environmental protection, Serbian post issued several issues conected to ecology. These issues were often dedicated to some international events in environmental protection.

International day for the preservation of ozone layer (16 September, 2007)

International polar year (2007). The stamp shows north pole map and glaciers. On the right side of stamp is also a portrait of Milutin Milanković, one of the most important Serbian scientist. Among his other works, in his works, he studied ice ages.


Preserve the polar regions and glaciers (2011). This issue with two se-tenant stamps in mini-sheet is part of wider action, when many postal operators around the world issued stamps on this theme. Sign of snowflake in left-up corner shows that.

International year of biodiversity (IYB) (2011). Ilustrated IYB sign represents different elements of biodiversity: forests, mammals, birds, water adn sea animals.


International year of plant health (2020). The stamp issued as mini-sheet shows apple flowers and apples in design that symbolises biodiversity, ecology and food production.

Planet Earth Day (22 April, 2021). The stamp shows planet Earth as part of the bulb, with layers around the Earth (A-D), colored as energy efficiency graph. The whole mini-sheet shows renewable production of electric energy (wind farm, solar panel, lightbulb).


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