Museum Exibits

The first series of Museum exibits were issued since 1975 in Yugoslavia. Serbian post continued this tradition, issuing stamps titled as "Museum exibits". These stapmps depict different types of museum items, kept in many museums in Serbia. They are proof of exceptional cultural heritage of Serbia.

2006. Museum exibits

Stamps from this edition depict jewelry as museum items.
16,50 RSD - crown, 19th century
16,50 RSD - ring, 18-19th century
46 RSD - earrings, beginning of the 20th century
46 RSD - necklace, beginning of the 19th century

It seems like this commemorative edition was an inspiration for three 2009-2018 regular stamps.

2007. Gamzigrad - Felix Romuliana

Felix Romuliana is archological site located near city of Zaječar in eastern Serbia. It is the imperial palace of the Roman emperor Gaius Valerius Maximianus Galerius (305-311, period of Tetrachy). It was built in 3rd or 4th century. Galerius named the palace Felix Romuliana after his mother Romuliana. On the site were found well preserved palaces and temples, with mosaics, sculptures and other artifacts. In 2007 the palace got protection as UNESCO world heritage site (WHS) and theat was the reason to issue these stamps. Two stamps were issued, both with 46 RSD face value. They depict ruins of the archeological site, with logo of UNESCO.

2008. Children's folk costumes

Folk costumes are usual items kept in etnographic museum collections. 46 RSD stamp depicts children folk costume from Šumadija and 50 RSD stamp depicts the one from Kumodraž. Motifs on both stamps are actually watercolor paintings created by painter Olga Benson during her stay in Serbian villages 1947-1948. These works are part of etnographic-folklore collection of the Institute of Etnography, which is part of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts.


2009. Dinosaurs of Argentina in Belgrade

The biggest exibition in 2009. in Serbia took place in Natural history museum in Belgrade. It was exibition of dinosaurs from Argentina. The exibition was named "Dinosaurs of Argentina - Giants of Patagonia". The exibition presented 20 species of dinsouarus and around 40 skeletons or skeleton parts, dinosaur eggs, bones, nests, footprints. There were 7 completely reconstructed skeletons. The exibition was opened from June 2009 to March 2010 (the duration was even increased because of the great attendance). Issued stamps depict two skeletons which visitors could have seen: Herrerasaurus ischigualatensis on 22 RSD stamp and Gigantosaurus carolinii on 46 RSD stamp.

2010. 60 years since the founding of the Museum of applied art in Belgrade

Museum of applied art was founded in 1950. It is museum specialised for collecting, protecting, studying, exhibiting and publishing works of applied arts. The Museum's collections reflects the development of objects of applied art in a 2400 years span. The Museum disposes around 37000 objects of applied art sorted in collections such as metal and jewellery, furniture, textille and costume, photography, ceramics, glass and porcelan, contemporary designs, urbanism and architectural design. The stamps issued for this occasion depict: a glass from Serbia, the end of the 16th century, on 22 RSD stamp and a figure from Germany, 19th century, on 44 RSD stamp.


2011. 100 years of the Dužijanca celebration

Dužijanca is celebraion of the end of the harvest, which has been celebrated in city of Subotica. It is custom of Bunjevci people and it is an expression of faith and culture, a kind of combination of prayer and thanksgiving. The first church manifestation was organised in 1911 and the first civil manifestation was held in 1968, and they were both united in 1993. The 22 RSD stamp depicts the model of Cathedral in Subotica and the 55 RSD stamp depicts '100 th Dužijanca' crown. Both items are kept in the Museum of Roman-Catholic Diocese of Subotica.

2012. National museum of Kruševac

The National Museum of Kruševac was founded in 1951. It has been developed into a museum which treasures more than 23000 exhibits, gathered in collections such as archaeology, history, numismatics, nature, ethnology. 22 RSD stamp depicts the bronze statuette of a Roman. It was found during archaeological researches of the Lazar City (medieval Kuševac). The statuette represents a young Roman dressed in toga, holding a spear in his right hand, and a scroll or a money bag in the left hand. The exhibit comes from the fourth century A.D. 55 RSD stamp depicts a parade officer sabre. It belonged to the infantry second lieutenant Dragobrat Ž. Petrović from Kruševac. Upon formation of Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes, all the officers received the sabres with ornate knuckleguard and the basket decorated with the coat of arms of the newly-formed country. The name of the supplier "OFFICERS COOPERATIVE" is engraved on the blade, incorporating the Kingdom coat of arms.


2013. 50 years of the Historical museum of Serbia

The Historical museum of Serbia was founded in 1963. The Museum’s primary mission is to collect, register, preserve, handle, study and exhibit materials related to the Serbian people and Serbia from ancient times to the present. Chronologically, the subject matter of the Museum, which covers all the important processes of the development of the Serbian entity with particular stress on the periods of national liberation, is divided into several parts: the Middle Ages, the period of foreign domination, the period from 1804 to 1918, the period after World War One, the period of the National Liberation War 1941–1945, and the post-war development of Serbia. Musum has many collections such as weapons, flags, maps, uniform, coins, medals, documents, and so many more. Unfortunatelly, the Museum doesn't have permanent exibition in it's main bulding. Authorities are trying to solve some administrative problems so the Museum could get new building and space that it deserves.

22 RSD stamp depicts the Gospel of King Aleksandar Obrenović from 19 century. It was a gift from the brotherhood of the monastery Zograf, 1896, made in Kiev Pechersk Lavra. It was made of black enamel, gold, enamel and precious stones. 50 RSD stamp depicts the Crown of King Petar I Karađorđević, made in 1904 in the Falize Frères jewellery workshop in Paris. It was made according to the draft of Mihailo Valtrović, cast from the handle of Karadjordje's cannon.

2014. Serbian heraldry

The Serbian heraldry and heraldic badges have originated during the medieval Serbian state among the then nobility. Serbian heraldry belongs culturally to the Byzantine tradition. This edition depicts two coat of arms which are modern sketches from the II Belgrade Armorial from 17th century. II Belgrade Armorial is collection of 158 paginated pages with images of coats of arms of South Slavic countries, states of Emperor Dušan and Uroš, and 141 coat of arms of noble families. The collection dates back from the 17th century. The 23 RSD stamp depicts the coat of arms of Serbian medieval Nemanjić dynasty. The animal of this dynasty was two-headed eagle. The 69 RSD stamp depicts coat of arms of Branković dynasty, with the lion as the main part of the coat of arms.


2015. Religious works

From 2015 Museum exibits editions contain more than two stamps. 2015 edition is dedicated to anniversaries of three religious works. All three works are kept in The Gallery of Matica Srpska in Novi Sad. 

23 RSD - 200 Years of the Saint Peter and Paul with the Presentation of Bela Crkva Copperplate. This work is coloured copperplate on paper by unknown copperplate engraver from 1815. The graphic sheet of this copperplate is dominated by a rectangular field with the saints between which is the temple-front of the Bela Crkva church. On the left and the right there is a text containing a short explanation of the represented, written in big cyrillic letters. In the lesser rectangular, under the saints’ feet, the panorama of Bela Crkva is shown with three parts of the settlement.

35 RSD: 275 Years of the Monastery Studenica Copperplate. This is copperplate on paper from 1740 (the 1965) print by Gotfrid Dirst. Almost nothing is known about the author of the copperplate, the Pest graphic, Gotfrid Dirst. The central part of the composition belongs to the Church of the Dormition, an endowment and a crypt of the founder of the Serbian state and the monastery itself, Stefan Nemanja.

70 RSD: 275 Years of the Saint Demetrius Icon. This work is tempera on wood, created from 1735 to1740 by Hristofor Žefarović. Saint Demetrius, the patron of town Sremska Mitrovica, is painted on a rearing fiery horse, as he stabs Bulgarian tsar Kaloyan, who falls on the grassy surface covered with bunch of tiny flowers. Icon was found in the bell tower of the Church of Three Holy Hierarchs in Novi Sad (Almas church).

2016. Stećci

Stećak or stećci in plural are monumental medival tombstones. They were found lie scattered across Bosnia and Herzegovina and the border parts of Serbia, Croatia and Montenegro. It is assumed they first appeared in the second half of the 12th century. They were most intensively hewed in the 14th and 15th century. They are mostly founded in poor condidtion. In Serbia were found about 2100 sećci. Stećci – Medieval Tombstones Graveyards in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Croatia, and Serbia were inscribed on UNESCO’s World Heritage List on 15th July 2016. For that occasion sećci were presented in 2016 Museum exibits edition.

23 RSD. Three of life (14th century), found at Burđića Rast necropolis neear town Krupanj.
46 RSD. Dragon (14th century), found at Mramorje at Lipenović necropolis near town Krupanj.
50 RSD. Arcades (14/15th century), found at Greek Cementery in village Hrta near town Prijepolje.

2017. The House of Jevrem Grujić

Jevrem Grujić was a Serbian lawyer, politician, statesman and diplomat in the mid to late 19th century. He was an important figure of Sebian political liberalism in that period. He was a minister a few times, judge in the Great Court and diplomat in Istanbul, Paris, London and Brussels. His house was designed as a one-storey urban villa inspired by French neo-baroque and neo-renaissance styles. The house is the first cultural monument protected by the Institute of Protection of Cultural Heritage of the City of Belgrade after its foundation in 1961, and in 1979 the building was declared the cultural heritage of great significance for the Republic of Serbia. In 2015, thanks to the generosity of heirs of Jevrem Grujić, a section of the house was made into Museum, in which a part of the rich collection of Jevrem Grujić’s House is now displayed. The House of Jevrem Grujić gives an atmosphere of late 19th century, lived by upper class.
The stamps depict four paintings which are displayed in this museum - all represented even with their frames:
23 RSD. Painting "Jevrem Grujić", by Steva Todorović, oil on canvas, 1888,
46 RSD. "Mileva Naumović", by Uroš Knežević, oil on canvas, 1854,
50 RSD. "Jelena Milojević with Daughters Milica and Milena", by V. Volkov, oil on canvas, 1925,
70 RSD. "Queen Natalija Obrenovitć", by Steva Todorović, oil on canvas, 1884.

2018. 95 years since the founding of the PTT Museum

PTT Museum (Postal-Telegraphic-Telephone Museum) is a technical museum that collects and presents objects and documents related to the operation and development of postal, telegraphic and telephone communications. It was founded in 1923. Today it functions as a museum within the Public Enterprise Post of Serbia. The museum exhibition is divided into six sections and it represents a chronological overview of the development of PTT communications from 1815 to now, with various exhibits that interdependently and mutually illuminate the social, cultural and economic history in addition to the history of communication of the modern Serbian state. Reconstructed museum space and new permanent exhibition were officially opened for public in 2013.

Stamps issued in this edition depict some items kept in PTT Museum and represent history of communication.
23 RSD. Mail coach from 19th century manufactured in Milan, Italy, in company of Cesare Sala. It was made according to the look of English royal mail coaches.
46 RSD. Inductor telephone type 'Ericson'. It was personal telephone of the King Petar I Karađorđević, he used from 1904 to 1911. In the background of the stamp can be seen the King.
50 RSD. Inductor telephone exchange from Sarajevo. This one was used to report news that Gavrilo Princip killed Franz Ferdinand on 28th June 1914.
70 RSD. Hughes' printing telegraph. Created by British inventor David Edward Hughes, this machine was used in the Kingdom of Serbia since 1891.

2019. 175 years of the National Museum in Belgrade

The National Museum in Belgrade is the oldest and probably the most important museum in Serbia. It conserves, studies and exhibits more than 450,000 of museum items which represent a unique whole of the cultural heritage of Serbia, Central Balkan, as well as Europe. It is located in the very centre of Belgrade at the Republic Square. The National Museum conserves representative cultural goods, testimonies of development and civilization changes in the territory of today’s Serbia and the closest surroundings, from the prehistoric times until the late Medieval period, as well as the representative works of the key artistic styles and movements. Except works of national artists, the Museum keeps some works of the most important European artists such as Bosch, Brueghel, Van Gogh, Mondrian, Corot, Pissarro, Degas, Picasso, Kandinsky, Chagall and others. The Museum has 4 collections: archeological, numismatic, artistic and historical.
The 2019. issues is contained of two stamps. One represents a national piece of art, and the other one represents a piece of European art.
23 RSD. Sculpture 'The Boy Plucking the Thorn' by Simeon Roksandić, bronze, 1922.
74 RS. Painting 'Bather' by Auguste Renoir, around 1915.


After 2 years break, the 2022 issue doesn't have unique theme. There were issued three stamps about three anniversaries.

a) 175 Years of the founding of The Gallery of Matica Srpska
The Gallery of Matica Srpska is one of the oldest national art museums. The Gallery was established as part of Matica Srpska, the oldest cultural and scientific organisation of Serbs. As the Matica Srpska, the Gallery was also established in Budapest, Austo-Hungarian Empire. The Gallery was established in 1847, with contributions from Sava Tekelija who left a valuable family portrait collection to the Matica Srpska, and other Serb merchants who made endowments and donations to the gallery. Today, both Matica Srpska and the Gallery are located in Novi Sad, Serbia. The Gallery is independent institution since 1958. The collection, primarily oriented towards painting, numbers 10,000 works of art. It is divided into 16 collections and includes examples of paintings, graphics, sculptures, drawings, applied art.
The stamp depicts the painting 'Anka Topalović née Nenadović', by Katarina Ivanović (1837).

b) 175 Years of the Founding of the Museum of Vojvodina
The roots of the Museum of Vojvodina are also connected to the Matica Srpska. In 1847 Matica Srpska decided to establish the Serbian national collection or museum. The first museum collection was created from the legacy of Sava Tekelija, and was presented only after the opening of the Museum of Matica Srpska in 1933. After the Second World War, part of the material was separated from here and the Vojvodina Museum was established as a museum of a complex type, the largest of its kind in Serbia, with collections ranging from archaeology, ethnology, history, art history to zoology, botany, geology, palaeontology and mineralogy. From the funds of the Vojvodina Museum, many institutions in the sphere of cultural and nature protection branched out, such as Museum of the City of Novi Sad, Theatre Museum of Vojvodina, Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments, Institute for Nature Protection. Today, this institution has a rich collection of around 400,000 items and a specialized library.
The stamp depicts Roman gilded helmet from 4th century AD. The Museum has two more helmets of this type. Those helmets are one of a kind in this part of Europe and that is why they are considered to be an informal trademark of the Museum.

c) 75 years since the founding of the Institute of Archaeology
The Institute of Archaeology was founded in 1947 in Belgrade with Professor Vladimir Petković appointed as its first Administrator. One of the goals was to study of the development process of human civilization based on archaeological material in the territory of Serbia and in its surroundings. From its foundation until today, the institution has carried out a series of large-scale researches of archaeological sites of various forms and scopes, as well as performed the protection of material cultural assets. The work of the Institute in recent times is particularly characterized by fruitful cooperation with institutions and colleagues from the country and abroad, which is reflected through the introduction and application of modern scientific methods in research practice. By studying the material remains with the implementation of modern scientific approaches, results are obtained that allow us to more clearly reconstruct the way of life, culture, art and the scope of human mind in Serbia over the centuries, which today represents the most important scientific activity of the Institute.
The stamp depicts a photo of members of the Serbian arcehological society, who participated in founding the Institute of Archaeology. On the upper right part of the stamp you can also see logo of the Institute.

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