
Christmas is one of the most important Christian holidays. It is celebrated both by Ortodox and Catholic believers. Despite catholics and ortodox believers in some other ortodox countries, Christmas is celebrated in Serbia on January 7th. The reason is that Serbian Ortodox Church uses Julian calendar. Of course, catholics in Serbia celebrate on December 25th.

Serbian post issues Christmas stamps every year. There are usualy two stamps. These issues  depict religious motifs and Christmas customs. Christmas stamps are usualy issued in November or December, so they could be used for sending New year and Christmas mail.


16,50 RSD stamp shows usual Christmas meal (table) as Serbo-Ortodox custom. There are apples, a glas of wine and Christmas bread called česnica. Česnica is special bread prepared for Christmas. Custom is to put some symbolic items in it: a coin, a bean, a sprig of basil. Whoever gets a part of česnica with coin, he will be lucky in following year. As decoration, there is sprouted grain with candle. Also, in the background is oak branch called badnjak. On Christams eve badnjak is put in fire, with prayers for family's wealth. 46 RSD shows Christmas decoration.


20 RSD stamp shows part of icon "Nativity of Christ". 46 RSD stamp shows "Nativity of Christ" from 18th century, kept in Museum of Serbian Ortodox Church.



20 RSD stamp depicts "Nativity of Christ" from 18th century, by unknown author. 46 RSD stamp shows "Nativity of Christ" (1776) by Dimitrije Bačević, Serbian icon painter in baroque style.


Both Christmas stamps show frescoes from Krušedol monastery. These frescoes were painted by Jov Vasiljević in 1749. 22 RSD fresco show Nativity of Christ and 46 RSD stamp shows Epiphany.



2010 Christmas stamps depict frescoes from Church of the Holly Virgin in Zemun. Those frescoes are painted by iconographer Arsenije Teodorović. Both of them are about the Nativity of Christ. 


22 RSD stamp shows icon "Nativity of Jesus" created in 1780 by Jakov Nedić in his painting workshop in Szentendre. 112 RSD stamp shows part of icon "Nativity of Christ", painted in period 1818-1820 by Arsenije Teodorović.



2012 Christmas stamps depict two icons from two temples in Sremski Karlovci, small town in Vojvodina. 22 RSD stamp depicts "Nativity of Christ" icon from the iconostasis of the Monastery of the Presentation of the Holy Mother of God in Sremski Karlovci (so-called Upper Church in Sremski Karlovci). This iconostasis is work of Dimitrije Bačević, who painted it from 1760 to 1761. 46 RSD stamp depicts "Nativity of Christ" icon from iconostasis in Church of the Holy Apostoles Peter and Paul in Sremski Karlovci (so-called Lower Church in Sremski Karlovci). It was created by Dimitirje Bratolić from 1828 to1831.


Christmas issue from this year is dedicated again to icons that can be found in Vojvodina. 22 RSD stamps depicts "The Birth of Christ" icon from iconostasis of the Church in Bašaid. It was painted by Pavle Simić from 1866 to 1867. 46 RSD stamp depicts "The Birth of Christ" icon from iconostasis in Cathedral of Saint Niclas in Vršac. Here is shown adaptation of the icon by Pavel Đurković (1807). 



This year religious motifs on Christmas stamps originated from Žiča, one of the most important Serbian monasteries. 23 RSD stamp depicts fresco "Christmas Anthem". 70 RSD stamp depicts the same fresco, but only it's central part (Virgin and Child), while on the right part of the stamp are shown notes with the song of Damaskin Grdanički.


2015 Chirstmas stamps depict two icons kept in Gallery of Matica Srpska in Novi Sad. 23 RSD stamp depicts icon "The Annunciation" by Dimitrije Bačević from 1769. 70 RSD stamp depicts icon "Adoreation of the Kings" by Nikola Nešković from 1763.



2016 stamps depict parts of "The Nativity" fresco from the Gradac monastery. 23 RSD stamp depicts scene of bathing of the new-born Christ and 100 RSD stamp depicts scene of the escape to Egypt.


Stamps issued in winter 2017 depict Christmas decoration - usual Christmas motif. 23 RSD stamp, similar as 20 RSD stamp in 2007, depicts Christmas table: apple, česnica, sprouted grain and badnjak. 74 RSD stamp depicts Christmas cookies, mistletoe and fruits. 



2018 Christmas stamps got back to religious motifs. Stamps depict scenes of "The Nativity" fresco from Sopoćani monastery. 23 RSD stamp shows scene of nativity and 100 RSD stamp show scene of the bathing of the Christ.


New ilustration of traditional Christmas decoration can be seen on 2019 series. 27 RSD stamp depicts fruits, badnjak and grain. 100 RSD stamp depicts misteltoe, Chrismas sock, Christmas candies and bell. 



These series depict ilustrations of scenes connected to the story of the Nativity. 27 RSD stamp depicts Mary with Jesus and 70 RSD shows Visitation of the wise men.


2021 Christmas stamps are related to Christmas decoration, but this time it was simplified - both stamps depict one decoration object each. 30 RSD stamp depicts badnjak. Badnjak is Chrismas oak branch. By tradition, early in the morning of Christmas eve, men go to forest to get the badnjak. Of course, nowadays badnjak can be bought on markets. On Christmas eve, badnjak is getting thrown to fire, with prayers to bring  health, happiness, love and wealth. Customs about badnjak are specific for Serbian-Ortodox Christmas tradition. 100 RSD stamps depicts crochet Christmas angel as decoration.



This year was issued one stamp. This stamp reminds more of New year and Chritmas together because it shows spirit of winter holidays. It actually depicts visual identity of "Winter Fairytale", festival organised in Belgrade from 15th December 2022 to 15th January 2023.


2023 Chritmas stamp depicts Christmas decoration with badnjak and Christmas letter. On the letter is written the inscript 'Христос се роди', which means 'Christ is born'. That is traditional Christmas greeting in Serbia.


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