Cities of Serbia series

Republic of Serbia has 28 cities and Belgrade as capital (other 145 local self-governments are muncipalities). Since 2017 Post of Serbia has started issuing stamps tiled as "Serbian cities". It began with 3 stamps in 2017 and continued with 2 stamps in next years. Stamps showing cities of Serbia were not issued in 2022, but we hope the Serbian post will continue this topic, so in a few years we can see all Serbian cities on stamps.

Click on underlined words (links) to find out more about locations represented on stamps.


Belgrade (70 RSD). Capital of Serbia. City that lies on rivers Danube and Sava. It was founded by Celtics and in Roman empery was named Singidunum. Serbian name, Beograd, means white city (Beo=white, grad=city). It became capital in medieval Serbia, in 1405. The stamp shows Republic square, the main city sqaure. In the center is monument to prince Mihailo, ruler who completed liberation of Serbia from Ottomans. On the left is building of National museum and on the right os bulidng of National theatre.

Novi Sad (70 RSD). The second larges city in Serbia and administrative center of autonomous region Vojvodina. The city lies on Danube. Founded in XVII century under Habsburh monarchy, city was center of Serbs in monarhy with rich culutre, so it was nicknamed as Serbian Athens. Fun fact about the name: in literal translation to English, Novi Sad means "New Now". The stamps shows Liberty square, the main city square. In the center it is monument to Svetozar Miletić, the most important leader of Serbs under Austro-Hunarian Monarchy. Behind the monument is Name of Mary Church (catholic church). 

Niš (70 RSD). The third largest city in Serbia and the biggest city in Central Serbia after Belgrade. The city was probably founded by Celts: legend says it that the Celtic city was rebuilt by fairies, and fairy in Celtic laguage was called Naisa. Roman name for the city was Naissus. One of the most important Roman emperors, Constantine the Great, was born in Niš. The stamp show main city square, King Milan square. Dominant view on the square is monument to the liberators of Niš. It shows soldier on horse, holding left hand up and carrying the freedom flag in right hand. On the base of the monument are reliefs about Niš history. The monument is dedicated to all fighters for Niš against Ottomans, fighters in Balkan wars and First World War. Through city passes river Nišava and it is just a minute away from this monument.


Kragujevac (70 RSD). This is the fourth biggest city in Serbia. Kragujevac is city with rich history. It was Serbian capital in the first half of XVIII century. Here was promulgated the first Serbian constituion in 1835. The name of the city comes from word kraguj, which was name for bird cinreous vulture. Through city passes river Lepenica and it is center of region called Šumadija. The stamp shows the old city senter in Kragujevac.

Subotica (70 RSD). The nordest city in Serbia, near border with Hungary. The name cames from word subota, which means Saturday. Subotica is multiethnic city where live Serbs, Hungarian, Croats, Bunjavci and others. The stamp shows panoramic view over Subotica with Town hall and Synagogue. You can also see a little yellow building with two towers - that is Cathedral of St. Theresa of Avila.


Zrenjanin (70 RSD). The biggest city of Banat region in Vojvodina. Old names of the city were Bečkerek (hungarian name) and Petrovgrad. Name today comes from name of communist partisan Žarko Zrenjanin and the city has this name since 1946. River Begej passes through the city. The stamp represents City hall in Zrenjanin. The building was built around 1820. The bulidng doesn't look beautiful only from the outside, but it also has nice interior. Some windows have installed stained glass.

Pančevo (70 RSD). Another city in Vojvodina. This city is very close to Belgrade. It is located on river Tamiš. Name Pančevo comes from word pančina, which was term for standing water that dominated this area. The stamps shows Vojvoda Radomir Putnik street in city center.


Kruševac (81 RSD). City in Central Serbia on Rasina river. It was capital city of medieval Serbian ruler Lazar Hrebeljanović. The city has a lot to show from it's medieval history, but also from modern period. The stamp shows Monument to the Kosovo heores, dedicated to the most important historical event of medieval Serbia - Kosovo battle (1389). The monument represents legend about Kosovo battle with flag-bearer Boško Jugović and fairy. Fun fact: in popular culture, Kruševac is known in Serbia as city where were born many important Serbian actors.

Čačak (81 RSD). This is one of the most important cities in Central Serbia. The old name of town was Gradac. The city lies on Zapadna (West) Morava, one of the biggest Serbian rivers. Near Čačak is located Ovčar-Kablar gorge with beutiful nature, landscapes and many monasteries. That is why that area is called Serbian Athos. The stamp shows main city square called Uprising square.


Kraljevo (60 RSD). City on three rivers: Zapadna Morava, Ibar and Ribnica. This is old Serbian town near Žiča, one of the most important Serbian monasteries. In medieval Serbia, seven crownings of Serbian kings took place in Žiča. The name Kraljevo originates from word kralj=king. Also, Kraljevo coat of arms is designed as seven crowns on red shield. The stamp shows Serbian warriors square with monument to the killed Serbian warriors, dedicated to warriors in Balkan wars and First World War.

Novi Pazar (60 RSD). City in southwest Serbia on river Raška. Area of this city (old city Ras) is actually the root of old medieval Serbia. In literal translation Novi Pazar means "New Bazaar". Today the city has oriental spirit. The stamp shows panoramic view with center of Novi Pazar. You can see Sebilj fountain (similar to one in Sarajevo - city of Sarajevo gifted it to Novi Pazar) and Old Bazaar complex.

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